Who Can Become A Successful Journalist?

Who Can Become A Successful Journalist?


Becoming a journalist demands much more than you think. With an abundance of journalists in the market and the growing competition, it’s getting difficult for a newbie to start in the world of successful journalists. To become a successful journalist, you must adhere to the following points;

  • Give importance to your words.
  • Don’t be a part of the story.
  • Increase your curiosity.
  • Learn from your competitors.
  • Read, read, and read.
  • Write and widen up your vocabulary

1. Time is Money

To become a successful journalist, you have to be accurate with your words. You have to manage your work timely. Steve Ladurantaye is a great journalist and a well-known writer. His professional management skills helped him a lot in becoming a multi-platform newsroom manager. If you are told to interview someone at 5 pm, be there at 4:45 pm. Make your audience realize that you are the perfect fit. You are serious with the work assigned. If your research takes one day, then do not push for another day. Always make a serious commitment to your editor and deliver the work on time. By this, you will gain an impeccable amount of reputation. Clients, authors, and other senior journalists will notice your work attitude, and you will become a one-person army as everyone will approach you because you value time.

2. Don’t Be a Part of the Story

Writing a journal is far different from writing a blog post. You don’t need to be in the reporter’s boots to present the information. For example, you should not use phrases like the reporter said that “I researched this out.” Just mention the facts and figures, cite them to authority and leave the rest to editors. Interference of your opinion here will lower down your content credibility.

3. Increase Your Curiosity

Successful journalists are those who are fearless! They are not afraid to ask sometimes silly questions as they are curious. They wanted every bit of information. To become a successful journalist, you have to be curious. You have to research more and more. If you have done the google research, start with searching your topic on youtube. Find more and more facts. This curiosity of hunting for more information will escalate your journalism career. Steve Ladurantaye has outstanding research skills that allowed him to succeed as a journalist and made him the editor-in-chief at one of the biggest news broadcasting programs (STV).

4. Learn From Your Competitors

If you are a designer, there are thousands of designers better than you. Similarly, some senior journalists are always there to help you with your publications. Follow some senior journalists. Dive in their content and look for how they are researching, what guidelines they are following, how they are interviewing. Learning from your competitors will give you an extra resource to expand your career.

5. Read, Read, and Read!

Good readers always take an edge. They are the walking encyclopedias. Journalism requires a lot of reading practice. So make sure to elevate your increasing habit. It’s not necessary to read-only journals. You can read your favorite blog. Or you can follow the social media trends. This habit will help you a lot when you pen down the information.


Remember always that you are recognized by your work. Make sure to deliver quality work within time, and one day, you will become a successful journalist.


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