The Future and Destiny of Humanity- Artificial Intelligence

Whenever we hear of artificial intelligence, we have a picture of machines rising to humans and taking control of our world, wiping out humanity like the supervillainUltron. The celebrated humanoid Sophia became notorious when she said, “robots will destroy humans”. The rogue Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey or The Terminator comes to our mind when we hear of robots in a saga of man versus machines. However, there is more to it, thankfully. In the present state, AI is designed to make our lives a little easier. To define it in a sentence, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science to get machines to mimic humans’ behaviour. They are programmed to think like a human and can learn things easily and possess problem-solving abilities. These machines also have the power of rationality and perception. They possess intelligence.
A Friend or a Foe?
A subdivision of artificial intelligence is Machine Learning, which refers to getting machines to make decisions by feeding them data that can automatically learn without being assisted by humans. Whereas, Deep learning is a subsection of machine learning that uses neural networks to solve complex problems. It uses techniques to absorb huge amounts of unstructured data such as texts, images, or videos. Artificial Intelligence was simply developed on the sole principle that machines should execute and mimic simple or even complex tasks that humans could only perform. Machines that carry out the basic functions or recognize text through optical character recognition are not taken as Artificial Intelligence since this function is considered as an inherent computer function. Siri, Alexa or Cortana are well-known digital assistants that use artificial intelligence.
Several tools are used in AI, including search optimization. The AI field uses computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, artificial psychology, etc. The utilization of artificial intelligence is limitless. AI can be applied to many different sectors and industries. For example, AI is also being used in the healthcare industry to test drugs and treatment in patients and for various surgical procedures in the operating room.
Embracing the Future
With the rise of AI in various industries, people have started taking this subject very seriously. Students are eager to know more about it. Elon Musk seems to think AI is a possible threat to humankind. However, we cannot determine that yet. Meanwhile, students are enrolling in training programs to learn the very science of Artificial Intelligence. With the help of these artificialintelligence training programs, participants can learn the various AI applications and get trained on how to build them, understand the neural network structure, form and assemble algorithms for new and upcoming AI machines, and reduce errors for advanced optimization. People can learn this science even online. Some training programs also help you learn all the prerequisites for stepping into the world of AI.
Various online training programs are also available on the internet. They teach you not just the theory but its practical applications as well. They give you a guide to the basics of AI and a tour of Deep Learning and Machine Learning. With the help of assignments, students are bound to learn better. These programs also give access to various live projects, which give them hands-on experience and free entries to webinars. They also ensure that students can connect 24/7 with their mentors if they face any doubts or queries. Interacting with professionals can help you grow and learn. They even conduct mock interviews to make you job-ready and also arrange hackathons to sharpen your skills. Moreover, participants also sometimes get lifetime access to their modules which can help them in the future. Thus, it has become an intriguing matter to miss an opportunity of a lifetime and not to keep up with the future.