Industrial generator FAQs answered

Industrial generator FAQs answered


Industrial generators are large investments in size and the cost to your pocket. They are also designed to keep working for you for an entire lifetime, so it is important to get familiar with everything you need to know as early as possible. Your friendly local industrial generator expert is always on standby to deal with concerns, but there are some frequent questions we come across from our clients. We’ve tried to answer many of them below but these are all generic guides. The best way to get assistance that is unique to your needs is to give us a callat (07) 3710 8212 and we can give you much better advice. For now, let’s start here with this short guide where we address all of your top questions:

1.Why do you need a backup generator? 

Industrial and commercial operations in this country play a major role in this country’s economy. Power outages aren’t just an inconvenience, they are a major disruptor to overall operations, and this can be a costly hindrance. A generator will keep the power running and your equipment powered at all times without fail. This is especially the case for facilities like Data Centres which could suffer data loss or damage to critical systems if your property is just left vulnerable to outages. Staying connected with the help of an industrial generator could essentially save many aspects of the business.

2.What size generator should you get? 

It may seem like tedious work but the best way to start is by making a list of the equipment on your property and the amount of power it needs to run. You can outsource this service by employing a company that specialises in generator installation in Brisbane. The specialist may be more positioned to quickly estimate the power requirements to keep everything on in your commercial property during a power outage. They won’t have to go through the process of making a list because they can make an accurate estimation just after one site inspection. The team at Reactive Generators has been installing generators for over 50 years now, so it has become second nature to us.

3.Which generator brands are known for being quiet?

There are manufacturers that build and produce generators designed for quieterfunctionsthan other brands. Generac, Perkins and Cummins are some of the most popular brands in the country and they are known for low noise output levels. However, some generator brands offer noise inhibiting parts that can be integrated into your unit. You should speak to a professional and they can help you along the way of quiet power generation.

4. How much do generators cost? 

This is one of the questions we cannot give general estimates for because the cost can vary widely from one application to the next. Industrial generators are some of the largest generation units and therefore won’t cost you a couple of hundred dollars to purchase. You can expect to pay well above $15 000 and upwards depending on how much power you need.

5. Are industrial generators worth it? 

If you’re asking yourself this question, you should also ask if uninterrupted productivity on your premises is worth it. Generators won’t just save you time and inconvenience, they could very well be saving you the money you would normally lose during the downtime that comes with power outages. When comparing the losses versus gains, we’re sure that you’ll realise that they are indeed a worthwhile investment.

6. What is an Automatic Transfer Switch?

Automatic Transfer Switches ensure that you don’t experience any delays when an outage occurs. This means avoiding the cumbersome task of manually switching on the generator yourself. They’re modern pieces of technology that offer reliability that cannot be matched when it comes to ensuring a continuous power supply.

7.  How long does an industrial generator last?

Your industrial generator has the capability to last you for well over 20 years depending on the availability of the repair components and competent servicing technicians around you. This is just one of many things that play into the typical life expectancy of any individual generator, and it will depend on many other factors including sizing, usage and preventive maintenance practices. The lifespan of your unit also depends on the hours it runs every year and the load it typically functions at. How well you maintain it is also a big factor in the ongoing health of your unit.

Call us for specialised generator support

We’ve tried our best in all the above-mentioned information. However, if you have a question that wasn’t answered here or a concern that needs further consultation, Brisbane’s most experienced generator operator is right here with us at Reactive Generators. We can provide the personalized, VIP servicing you need because we know that every property functions differently from the next.


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