Four Tips on How to Teach Musical Instruments

It may be a fun and fulfilling experience to teach someone else to play a musical instrument. It’s a fantastic opportunity to share your expertise, experience, and passion for music. Observe your pupils’ development as they learn their instrument.
Teaching someone else to play a musical instrument is a difficult task, especially if you’ve never done so before. It would be best to have a strategy in place, whether you’re teaching a whole class, delivering private sessions, or simply mentoring a friend in an informal arrangement. Playing an instrument does not always mean that you will be a competent teacher; nonetheless, having a transparent and flexible approach will aid in goal setting and achievement.
Both you and your students will benefit from following some helpful tips on how to teach an instrument.
- Pre-Research to Goal Steps
If you’re thinking of teaching someone else to play a musical instrument, keep in mind that, like your new student, you’ll likely have a lot to learn. Understanding what matters to students is critical to becoming a teacher they respect and want to learn from.
- What are their requirements and obstacles?
- Their Expectations?
- What drove them to enroll in lessons?
- What can you do to assist them in achieving, if not exceeding, their objectives?
- Set Musical Objectives and Have a Positive Attitude
Examine the lesson’s primary purpose, and then give your student home with some homework that will allow them to keep in touch with their training and goals when they’re away from you and to feel a feeling of achievement once they’ve mastered them. When teaching another person to play an instrument, regardless of how tough it may seem at times, maintaining a cheerful attitude is essential. Keep in mind that each pupil learns at their own rate. Negativity can have a significant impact on a student’s motivation.
- Teach Something They Want to Learn and Maintain A Level Playing Field
Instead of teaching them something you believe they should know, start by teaching them something they want to learn. They may be more motivated to practice at home if they realize that they can play. You may incorporate music theory as you go along. Regardless of the aspect of music you’re focusing on, make every effort to ensure that all students are appropriately challenged and interested in the subject.
- Make The Cultural Variety And Experiment With Fresh Ideas
Please encourage students to share their musical backgrounds and experiences, both personal and cultural. Exploring musical genres and traditions outside of Western culture may expose your student to a wide range of new sounds and musical emotions.
It’s doubtful that performing the same music in class that students hear in the mall or every other movie will pique students’ attention. Instead of listening to overused musical compositions, employ lesser-known music artists and styles to ensure that pupils are learning something fresh.
To become a great mentor and professional music teacher that everyone considers a role model and feel proud to get taught and succeed in learning music. However, follow the traits listed above and use them throughout your musical career. Dr. George Freundlich Matheson is a retired medical doctor, musician, and philanthropist. Dr. George Freundlich Matheson was a member of the award-winning Timmins Symphony Orchestra (trombone) and the Timmins All-Star Big Band (trombone, saxophone). He retired from the Orchestra in 2019 and continues to play with the All-Star Big Band.